“Das Spiel ist die höchste Form der Forschung” (Albert Einstein)
Im Rahmen des “Cadet INOVA'24”® Ausstellungssaals werden folgende Prämien, durch die Entscheidung der Internationalen Jury, erteilt:
GOLD-Medaille des ”Cadet INOVA’24” Ausstellungssaals
SILBER-Medaille des ”Cadet INOVA’24” Ausstellungssaals
BRONZE-Medaille des ”Cadet INOVA’24” Ausstellungssaals
Prämie der rumänischen Erfinder Forum
Die größte Prämie der Jury – POKAL “Cadet INOVA’24”
Prämie der Handelsgesellschaften
Prämie des Landesamts für Erfindungen und Marken
Plakette „Cadet INOVA‘24 - “In Memoriam – Dr. Doc. Med. Ioan MORARU (1927-1989)”
Diplome mit Lobende Erwähnungen des ”Cadet INOVA’24” Ausstellungssaals
"Originally the word - cadet - meant the young man (the son of a nobleman or of an officer) who prepared for a military career. Cadet INOVA proposes an encounter with nobility too: a nobility of the spirit of those who "burn" in the realm of scientific creation, who have chosen this path not for financial comfort or public recognition, but because they know that this is their purpose in the world and because they feel that in this way they can serve not only their homeland, but the whole humankind. Cadet INOVA is rooted in serious, constant and lasting preoccupation for scientific research, in the lessons offered by those who have raised the scientific bar to the level of performance, in the need to provide support, recognition and legitimacy to the notable achievements of young thinkers. It represents the mouth piece of bright minds polished in years of study, which went from potential to performance and which are able to certify that quality and professionalism will always make a difference." (Inventor dr. ing. dipl. Silviu Mihai Petrişor, President of the Cadet INOVA Exhibition)
"Cadet INOVA 2017, a trademark of OSIM Bucharest, number M 143894, brings into focus - within the In memoriam section - an emblematic figure of the universal scientific patrimony, who set her existential coordinates around the verbs to give and to give herself to others: Ana ASLAN. She created and implemented, at national level, the concept of ""prevention of aging"; she founded and led the first Institute of Geriatrics in the world, in Otopeni and her famous name is engraved on the mausoleum of the father of medicine, Hippocrates, in Larissa, Thessaly (Greece)." (Inventor dr. ing. dipl. Silviu Mihai Petrişor, President of the Cadet INOVA Exhibition)
"To be forever young does not mean to be 20, it means to be optimistic, to feel good, to have an ideal in life to fight for in order to achieve it." (Gerontologist Inventor Acad. Prof. Ana ASLAN, MD, PhD)
”I have not made many inventions, but what is very important is the fact that I leave to the inventors who will come after me a theory on which they can make countless inventions.” (Inventor Eng. Dipl. D.H.C. Gogu CONSTANTINESCU)
“The future is the sum of the steps you take, including the small ones and those that are ignored or laughed at.” (Inventor Acad. Eng. Dipl. DHC Henri COANDĂ, PhD)